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  -d engine="google_jobs" \
  -d q="software developer" \
  -d location="Chicago"

Comprehensive job listings

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Comprehensive job listings
  "search_metadata": {
    "id": "search_J2OR1XvYom9LFkQ7oGra4w0N",
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  "jobs": [
      "position": 1,
      "title": "Software Developer",
      "company_name": "Caltech",
      "location": "Pasadena, CA",
      "via": "via LinkedIn",
      "description": "Caltech is a world-renowned science and engineering institute that marshals some of the world's brightest minds and most innovative tools to address fundamental scientific questions. We thrive on finding and cultivating talented people who are passionate about what they do. Join us and be a part of the diverse Caltech community.\n\nJob Summary\n\nThe candidate will work with the gravitational waves data analysis group which analyzes data from the LIGO interferomenters. They will work with scientists to transform existing analysis implementations to production-ready code.\n\nEssential Job Duties\n• Software development.\n• Interface with scientists.\n• Attend group meetings with collaborators.\n\nBasic Qualifications\n• BS in Computer Science.\n• At least 1 year experience in software engineering.\n\nPreferred Qualifications\n• Experience with gravitational wave data analysis.\n\nRequired Documents\n• Resume.\n\nHiring Range\n\n$52.50 - $62.25 Per Hour\n\nThe salary of the finalist(s) selected for this role will be set based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to, internal equity, experience, education, specialty and training.\n\nAs one of the largest employers in Pasadena, CA, Caltech is committed to providing comprehensive benefits to eligible employees and their eligible dependents. Our benefits package includes competitive compensation, health, dental, and vision insurance, retirement savings plans, generous paid time off (vacation, holidays, sick time, parental leave, bereavement, etc.), tuition reimbursement, and more. Non-benefit eligible employees will have access to some benefits such as onsite counseling and sick time. Learn more about our\n\nEEO Statement\n\nWe are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.\n\nCaltech is a VEVRAA Federal Contractor.\n\nTo read more Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) go to eeoc_self_print_poster.pdf.\n\nDisability Accommodations\n\nIf you would like to request an accommodation in completing this application, interviewing, or otherwise participating in the employee selection process, please direct your inquiries to Caltech Recruiting at",
      "job_highlights": [
          "title": "Qualifications",
          "items": [
            "BS in Computer Science",
            "At least 1 year experience in software engineering",
          "title": "Benefits",
          "items": [
            "$52.50 - $62.25 Per Hour",
            "The salary of the finalist(s) selected for this role will be set based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to, internal equity, experience, education, specialty and training",
            "Our benefits package includes competitive compensation, health, dental, and vision insurance, retirement savings plans, generous paid time off (vacation, holidays, sick time, parental leave, bereavement, etc.), tuition reimbursement, and more",
            "Non-benefit eligible employees will have access to some benefits such as onsite counseling and sick time"
          "title": "Responsibilities",
          "items": [
            "The candidate will work with the gravitational waves data analysis group which analyzes data from the LIGO interferomenters",
            "They will work with scientists to transform existing analysis implementations to production-ready code",
            "Software development",
            "Interface with scientists",
            "Attend group meetings with collaborators"
      "extensions": [
        "16 hours ago",
        "Health insurance",
        "Dental insurance",
        "Paid time off"
      "detected_extensions": {
        "posted_at": "16 hours ago",
        "schedule": "Full-time",
        "health_insurance": true,
        "dental_insurance": true,
        "paid_time_off": true
      "apply_link": "https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/software-developer-at-caltech-3983472702?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
      "apply_links": [
          "link": "https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/software-developer-at-caltech-3983472702?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "LinkedIn"
      "sharing_link": "https://www.google.com/search?ibp=htl;jobs&q=Software+Developer&htidocid=tDh-Dj-3SMOW9BcqAAAAAA%3D%3D&hl=en-US&kgs=eb71b71211f7fc8f&shndl=-1&shem=vslcea&source=sh/x/job/li/m1/1#fpstate=tldetail&htivrt=jobs&htiq=Software+Developer&htidocid=tDh-Dj-3SMOW9BcqAAAAAA%3D%3D",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "position": 2,
      "title": "Junior Level Software Developer - Remote",
      "company_name": "SynergisticIT",
      "location": "Santa Monica, CA",
      "via": "via LinkedIn",
      "description": "Since 2010 Synergisticit has helped Jobseekers get employed in the tech Job market by providing candidates the requisite skills, experience, and technical competence to outperform at interviews and clients. Here at SynergisticIT We just don't focus on getting you a tech Job we make careers.\n\nIn this Job market also, our candidates can achieve multiple job offers and $100k + salaries.\n\nplease check the below links to see the success outcomes and salaries of our candidates .\n\nhttps://www.synergisticit.com/candidate-outcomes/\n\nhttps://reg.rf.oracle.com/flow/oracle/cwoh23/OCWExhibitorCatalog/page/OCWexhibitorcatalog\n\nWe regularly interact with the Top Tech companies to give our candidates a competitive advantage visit the below videos exhibiting at Oracle Cloud World/Oracle Java One (Las Vegas) -2023/2022 and at Gartner Data Analytics Summit (Florida)-2023\n\nhttps://synergisticit.wistia.com/medias/tmwjwchxz5\n\nhttps://synergisticit.wistia.com/medias/n8487768di\n\nhttps://synergisticit.wistia.com/medias/o5gmv7i9eu\n\nhttps://synergisticit.wistia.com/medias/k6t6a1n4kb\n\nhttps://synergisticit.wistia.com/medias/pgrvq4fgni\n\nhttps://synergisticit.wistia.com/medias/ce4syhm853\n\nAll Positions are open for all visas and US citizens\n\nWe at Synergistic understand the problem of the mismatch between employer's requirements and Employee skills and that's why since 2010 we have helped 1000's of candidates get jobs at technology clients like Apple, google, Paypal, Western Union, Client, visa, Walmart lab s etc to name a few.\n\nCurrently, We are looking for entry-level software programmers, Java full-stack developers, Python/Java developers, Data analysts/ Data Scientists, and Machine Learning engineers for full-time positions with clients.\n\nWho Should Apply Recent Computer Science/Engineering /Mathematics/Statistics or Science Graduates or People looking to switch careers or who have had gaps in employment and are looking to make their careers in the Tech Industry.\n\nWe assist in filing for STEM extension and also for H1b and Green card filing to Candidates\n\nWe want Data Science/Machine learning/Data Analyst and Java Full stack candidates\n\nFor data Science/Machine learning Positions\n\nRequired Skills\n\nBachelors degree or Masters degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Systems, IT\n\nProject work on the technologies needed\n\nHighly motivated, self-learner, and technically inquisitive\n\nExperience in programming language Java and understanding of the software development life cycle\n\nKnowledge of Statistics, Gen AI, LLM, Python, Computer Vision, data visualization tools\n\nExcellent written and verbal communication skills\n\nPreferred skills: NLP, Text mining, Tableau, PowerBI, Databricks, Tensorflow\n\nRequired Skills\n\nREQUIRED SKILLS For Java /Full stack/Software Positions\n\nBachelors degree or Masters degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Systems, IT\n\nHighly motivated, self-learner, and technically inquisitive\n\nExperience in programming language Java and understanding of the software development life cycle\n\nProject work on the skills\n\nKnowledge of Core Java, Javascript, C++, or software programming\n\nSpring boot, Microservices, Docker, Jenkins, Github, Kubernetes, and REST API experience\n\nExcellent written and verbal communication skills\n\nIf you get emails from our Job Placement team and are not interested please email them or ask them to take you off their distribution list and make you unavailable as they share the same database with the client servicing team and only connect with candidates who match client requirements.\n\nNo phone calls, please. Shortlisted candidates would be reached out. No third-party or agency candidates or C2C candidates",
      "job_highlights": [
          "title": "Qualifications",
          "items": [
            "Who Should Apply Recent Computer Science/Engineering /Mathematics/Statistics or Science Graduates or People looking to switch careers or who have had gaps in employment and are looking to make their careers in the Tech Industry",
            "For data Science/Machine learning Positions",
            "Bachelors degree or Masters degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Systems, IT",
            "Project work on the technologies needed",
            "Highly motivated, self-learner, and technically inquisitive",
            "Experience in programming language Java and understanding of the software development life cycle",
            "Knowledge of Statistics, Gen AI, LLM, Python, Computer Vision, data visualization tools",
            "Excellent written and verbal communication skills",
            "REQUIRED SKILLS For Java /Full stack/Software Positions",
            "Bachelors degree or Masters degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Systems, IT",
            "Highly motivated, self-learner, and technically inquisitive",
            "Experience in programming language Java and understanding of the software development life cycle",
            "Project work on the skills",
            "Knowledge of Core Java, Javascript, C++, or software programming",
            "Spring boot, Microservices, Docker, Jenkins, Github, Kubernetes, and REST API experience",
            "Excellent written and verbal communication skills"
          "title": "Benefits",
          "items": [
            "In this Job market also, our candidates can achieve multiple job offers and $100k + salaries"
      "extensions": ["7 days ago", "Contractor"],
      "detected_extensions": {
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        "schedule": "Contractor"
      "apply_link": "https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/junior-level-software-developer-remote-at-synergisticit-3977204305?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
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          "source": "LinkedIn"
          "link": "https://www.ziprecruiter.com/c/SynergisticIT/Job/Junior-Level-Software-Developer-Remote/-in-Santa-Monica,CA?jid=2703fd2c5b103f48&utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "ZipRecruiter"
          "link": "https://www.snagajob.com/jobs/979241233?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Snagajob"
          "link": "https://us.expertini.com/jobs/job/junior-level-software-developer-remote-santa-monica-califo-synergisticit-178825587/?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Expertini"
          "link": "https://www.interlinkjobs.com/jobs/68423427-junior-level-software-developer-remote?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Interlink Jobs"
      "sharing_link": "https://www.google.com/search?ibp=htl;jobs&q=Software+Developer&htidocid=0O0930YOhACEHF3RAAAAAA%3D%3D&hl=en-US&kgs=eb71b71211f7fc8f&shndl=-1&shem=vslcea&source=sh/x/job/li/m1/1#fpstate=tldetail&htivrt=jobs&htiq=Software+Developer&htidocid=0O0930YOhACEHF3RAAAAAA%3D%3D",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "position": 3,
      "title": "Software Developer",
      "company_name": "Evergent Technologies",
      "location": "El Segundo, CA",
      "via": "via Indeed",
      "description": "Gist about our Company:\n\nA leading venture capitalist (VC) in Silicon Valley commented that “Evergent is a diamond in the rough”. Evergent today manages over 560M+ user accounts in over 180+ countries on behalf of our customers. Globally Evergent is working with 5 of the top 10 carriers (AT&T, Etisalat, SingTel, Telkomsel, and AirTel) and 4 of the top 10 media companies (HBO, FOX, SONY and BBC). We are not surprised by the VC comment. We have done this with an amazing global team of 300+professionals. Evergent is recognized as the global leader for Customer Lifecycle Management for launching new revenue streams without disturbing the inflexible legacy systems. The need for digital transformation in this subscription economy and our ability to launch services in weeks is what sets Evergent apart. We welcome you to come and meet with us.\n\nResponsibilities:\n\nDrive new products and features through the development process; Gather and create product requirements and specifications;\n\nPartner with Design Managers to run a scrum team of designers: setting clear goals, managing project loads and allocating designers, accordingly, ensuring deadlines are met and setting up team members for overall success;\n\nInterface and drive collaboration between the UX, Dev and Product Management teams, connect all three groups, and ensure inter-dependencies are understood and planned for effectively;\n\nIdentify UX team needs with regards to process, tools, documentation, asset management, etc.\n\nImplement and drive required changes to make sure designers can be most efficient;\n\nCollaborate with design leadership, product, engineering peers and external partners to institute design processes and cross-functional collaboration models and ensure a smooth product development process;\n\nProvide clear communication to cross-functional team leads regarding design deliverable status, resource requirements, issues, and priorities;\n\nIdentify risks, prioritize and collaborate with partners to resolve in a timely manner;\n\nInsure the design teams are in collaboration with one another and all working toward a consistent design throughout the Evergent Product;\n\nEnsure project meets deadlines and is completed within budget;\n\nLeads the continued development and implementation of the CI Culture, standardized work, information flow, problem solving, strategy deployment and continuous improvement;\n\nExercise technical judgment in working with cross-functional teams;\n\nReview and test code to ensure it works properly; Manage and execute on company audits from various sources with internal and external stakeholders;\n\nProvide technical leadership, but not line management of cross functional teams.;\n\nPresent status on a weekly / monthly basis to the local and regional leadership teams.\n\nTools: Siebel CRM 8.1.x, Open UI, Siebel IP 2015, CLICK Scheduling and Routing, Sales Force, Sales CRM.\n\nMinimum Education: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science.\n\nMinimum experience: Position requires five (5) years of post-baccalaureate experience that is progressive in nature.\n\nMinimum Requirement: Five (5) years of experience must include five (5) of experience in Siebel CRM 8.1.x, Open UI, Siebel IP 2015, CLICK Scheduling and Routing, Sales Force, Sales CRM.\n\nEmployer will conduct drug testing/screening, background check, reference check, motor vehicle check, Education, SSN and criminal check.\n\nJob Site: El Segundo, CA. Please send resumes referencing the aforementioned job title and reference number to Evergent Technologies, Inc., 1250 Borregas Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 or email to shruti.padia@evergent.com",
      "job_highlights": [
          "title": "Qualifications",
          "items": [
            "Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science",
            "Minimum experience: Position requires five (5) years of post-baccalaureate experience that is progressive in nature",
            "Minimum Requirement: Five (5) years of experience must include five (5) of experience in Siebel CRM 8.1.x, Open UI, Siebel IP 2015, CLICK Scheduling and Routing, Sales Force, Sales CRM",
            "Employer will conduct drug testing/screening, background check, reference check, motor vehicle check, Education, SSN and criminal check"
          "title": "Responsibilities",
          "items": [
            "Drive new products and features through the development process; Gather and create product requirements and specifications;",
            "Partner with Design Managers to run a scrum team of designers: setting clear goals, managing project loads and allocating designers, accordingly, ensuring deadlines are met and setting up team members for overall success;",
            "Interface and drive collaboration between the UX, Dev and Product Management teams, connect all three groups, and ensure inter-dependencies are understood and planned for effectively;",
            "Identify UX team needs with regards to process, tools, documentation, asset management, etc",
            "Implement and drive required changes to make sure designers can be most efficient;",
            "Collaborate with design leadership, product, engineering peers and external partners to institute design processes and cross-functional collaboration models and ensure a smooth product development process;",
            "Provide clear communication to cross-functional team leads regarding design deliverable status, resource requirements, issues, and priorities;",
            "Identify risks, prioritize and collaborate with partners to resolve in a timely manner;",
            "Insure the design teams are in collaboration with one another and all working toward a consistent design throughout the Evergent Product;",
            "Ensure project meets deadlines and is completed within budget;",
            "Leads the continued development and implementation of the CI Culture, standardized work, information flow, problem solving, strategy deployment and continuous improvement;",
            "Exercise technical judgment in working with cross-functional teams;",
            "Review and test code to ensure it works properly; Manage and execute on company audits from various sources with internal and external stakeholders;",
            "Provide technical leadership, but not line management of cross functional teams.;",
            "Present status on a weekly / monthly basis to the local and regional leadership teams",
            "Tools: Siebel CRM 8.1.x, Open UI, Siebel IP 2015, CLICK Scheduling and Routing, Sales Force, Sales CRM"
      "extensions": ["Full-time"],
      "detected_extensions": {
        "schedule": "Full-time"
      "apply_link": "https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?jk=ad610f86ed9aabb1&utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
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          "link": "https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?jk=ad610f86ed9aabb1&utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Indeed"
          "link": "https://www.glassdoor.com/job-listing/software-developer-evergent-JV_IC1146779_KO0,18_KE19,27.htm?jl=1008247449319&utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Glassdoor"
      "sharing_link": "https://www.google.com/search?ibp=htl;jobs&q=Software+Developer&htidocid=kq-kjqF61cIEbH96AAAAAA%3D%3D&hl=en-US&kgs=eb71b71211f7fc8f&shndl=-1&shem=vslcea&source=sh/x/job/li/m1/1#fpstate=tldetail&htivrt=jobs&htiq=Software+Developer&htidocid=kq-kjqF61cIEbH96AAAAAA%3D%3D",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "position": 4,
      "title": "Lead Software Engineer",
      "company_name": "Disney Entertainment & ESPN Technology",
      "location": "Santa Monica, CA (+5 others)",
      "via": "via Disney Careers",
      "description": "Department/Group Overview:\n\nDisney Entertainment and ESPN Technology (DE&E Technology) provides the technological backbone and product development for Disney’s two media business units, while helping to keep the company at the vanguard of innovation – enabling the Company to continuously leverage technology to enhance storytelling and creativity, while delivering scalability, flexibility, and efficiency for its businesses.\n\nWithin DE&E Technology, the Ad Platforms team is responsible for creating and scaling innovative global advertising solutions by building mission-critical tools and workflows to support addressable & linear ad sales, traffic, marketing and parts of broadcast operations. Being part of the DE&E Technology team is a once-in-a-career opportunity to be a part of what’s next.\n\nThis role is a part of the Software Engineering team within the DE&E Ad Platforms organization. We strive to be a diverse team, passionate about great technology applied creatively to solve complex business problems. We are a motivated team that is committed to lifelong learning and improving, both in and out of the office. We strive to be flexible and adaptable to change both in how we execute projects and in the technologies we use to deliver our solutions. We care about the details because every pixel, every line of code, and every user interaction with our products determines whether we are delivering on our commitment to producing the very best products possible. You’ll be joining a talented team that works interdependently toward aggressive goals to deliver technically sound solutions. We work to ensure that we share both accountability and credit as a team. We often include our users as part of our team and we work to connect with them on a human level, understanding their world, so we can deliver software that they love to use.\n\nJob Summary:\n\nAs a hand’s on Lead Software Engineer, you will use your deep Java, scripting, DevOps, and data persistence skills to write and test code that delivers new features for our application portfolio. You will be a key leader on a motivated team where we’ll be looking for you to collaborate with and drive the team to excellent application architecture, code quality, and work to ensure we are building the right things for our users. We want someone that has grown up through the web software development ranks - possessing solid experience in designing and architecting highly scalable, secure, performant, and usable web applications using Java/Java EE. The ideal candidate would possess deep skills in server side technology (Java, Spring, RESTful Web Services), while having expertise with orchestration and containerization platforms (Docker and Kubernetes), coupled with hands on persistence and data streaming technology experience (MySQL, Oracle, Cassandra, Redis, Kafka) deploying into AWS.The role is nearly equally balanced with leadership responsibilities where you will lead teams, working across the organization, in developing key improvements and product enhancements for new and existing applications. You will work in a hybrid tech lead role where you will exercise hand’s on skill while taking ownership, communicating and collaborating with your team and vendor teams on designing and implementing solutions, and resolving critical production issues.\n\nYou will have an advanced view into the people, technologies, and practices of the team, and apply your individual skills to help projects across the finish line. You will support the engineering culture and career growth of your team members, as well as foster a supportive, inclusive, and team environment in which people do their best work. You’ll play a critical part in driving our technology vision forward and ensuring that we execute across multiple initiatives.\n\nWe’re looking for a passionate, impactful, technical leader who wants to come here to do their very best work and make their mark, add their chapter to the long and storied history of The Walt Disney Company. Someone who holds themselves and their teammates accountable in a professional, collaborative manner. A collaborative technologist who seeks to bring the best out in themselves and those around them. Someone who can provide a fresh perspective and innovative insight to our initiatives.\n\nResponsibilities and Duties of the Role:\n\nKEY RESPONSIBILITIES\n• Lead engineering teams in building architectures which are robust, fault-tolerant, and cloud- native\n• Possess extensive AWS manage service solution design and implementation experience\n• Reason logically and creatively, identifying problems, drawing valid conclusions from the data available, and develop effective solutions while applying creative thinking in the design and development of high performing web applications\n• Collaborate with fellow senior and lead engineers to keep the team’s technology radar and architecture principles aligned to the industry and needs of our users\n• Lead code reviews and provide leadership and direction to junior engineers\n• Deliver multiple projects utilizing an Agile methodology\n• Take a high ownership, self-sufficient, hands-on position on the team to lead and drive quality, maintain application stability\n• Write complex programs, analyze code changes and suggest improvements\n• Check-in valuable, clean code on a daily basis that adds new features and capabilities\n• Create reference implementations for the purpose of mentoring and leading more junior staff (when required)\n• Help define engineering standards and provide technical mentorship to the team\n• Investigate and resolve any production issues from end user (UI) to persistence layer and work to prevent them\n• Work with product managers and managers to ensure that all project deliverables are on time and high quality\n• Work collaboratively with other service teams\n\nRequired Education, Experience/Skills/Training:\n\nYOU MUST…\n• Hold a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Engineering, or another technical field\n• Have 7+ years of experience in web application development or software engineering in a large enterprise environment using Java, including familiarity with modern frameworks and platforms (e.g., Spring, Docker, Kubernetes, Kafka)\n• Be able to demonstrate significant experience working with relational databases, SQL and newer NoSQL data stores as well as event streaming platforms\n• Have a solid understanding of AWS technologies\n• Have a strong interest in open source technology\n• Possess good communication skills and enjoy mentoring and helping others to succeed as a team\n• Care about your craft and have opinions about the “right” way to do things with technology\n\nPREFERRED EXPERIENCE/EDUCATION/SKILLS\n• Master's degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering or related technical discipline is highly desirable\n• Previous work experience in Accounts Receivable and/or financial applications\n• Experience working with vendor teams to deliver high quality results\n• Knowledge of performance testing and application profiling (Gatling, JProfiler)\n• Strong curiosity about how Disney delivers the Magic and a desire to be a part of it\n\nThe hiring range for this position in California is $149,240 - $219,230 per year and in Washington is $156,292 to $209,660 per year. The base pay actually offered will take into account internal equity and also may vary depending on the candidate’s geographic region, job-related knowledge, skills, and experience among other factors. A bonus and/or long-term incentive units may be provided as part of the compensation package, in addition to the full range of medical, financial, and/or other benefits, dependent on the level and position offered.",
      "job_highlights": [
          "title": "Qualifications",
          "items": [
            "We want someone that has grown up through the web software development ranks - possessing solid experience in designing and architecting highly scalable, secure, performant, and usable web applications using Java/Java EE",
            "The ideal candidate would possess deep skills in server side technology (Java, Spring, RESTful Web Services), while having expertise with orchestration and containerization platforms (Docker and Kubernetes), coupled with hands on persistence and data streaming technology experience (MySQL, Oracle, Cassandra, Redis, Kafka) deploying into AWS",
            "We’re looking for a passionate, impactful, technical leader who wants to come here to do their very best work and make their mark, add their chapter to the long and storied history of The Walt Disney Company",
            "A collaborative technologist who seeks to bring the best out in themselves and those around them",
            "Someone who can provide a fresh perspective and innovative insight to our initiatives",
            "Hold a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Engineering, or another technical field",
            "Have 7+ years of experience in web application development or software engineering in a large enterprise environment using Java, including familiarity with modern frameworks and platforms (e.g., Spring, Docker, Kubernetes, Kafka)",
            "Be able to demonstrate significant experience working with relational databases, SQL and newer NoSQL data stores as well as event streaming platforms",
            "Have a solid understanding of AWS technologies",
            "Have a strong interest in open source technology",
            "Possess good communication skills and enjoy mentoring and helping others to succeed as a team",
            "Care about your craft and have opinions about the “right” way to do things with technology"
          "title": "Benefits",
          "items": [
            "The base pay actually offered will take into account internal equity and also may vary depending on the candidate’s geographic region, job-related knowledge, skills, and experience among other factors",
            "A bonus and/or long-term incentive units may be provided as part of the compensation package, in addition to the full range of medical, financial, and/or other benefits, dependent on the level and position offered"
          "title": "Responsibilities",
          "items": [
            "We work to ensure that we share both accountability and credit as a team",
            "As a hand’s on Lead Software Engineer, you will use your deep Java, scripting, DevOps, and data persistence skills to write and test code that delivers new features for our application portfolio",
            "You will be a key leader on a motivated team where we’ll be looking for you to collaborate with and drive the team to excellent application architecture, code quality, and work to ensure we are building the right things for our users",
            "The role is nearly equally balanced with leadership responsibilities where you will lead teams, working across the organization, in developing key improvements and product enhancements for new and existing applications",
            "You will work in a hybrid tech lead role where you will exercise hand’s on skill while taking ownership, communicating and collaborating with your team and vendor teams on designing and implementing solutions, and resolving critical production issues",
            "You will have an advanced view into the people, technologies, and practices of the team, and apply your individual skills to help projects across the finish line",
            "You will support the engineering culture and career growth of your team members, as well as foster a supportive, inclusive, and team environment in which people do their best work",
            "You’ll play a critical part in driving our technology vision forward and ensuring that we execute across multiple initiatives",
            "Someone who holds themselves and their teammates accountable in a professional, collaborative manner",
            "Lead engineering teams in building architectures which are robust, fault-tolerant, and cloud- native",
            "Possess extensive AWS manage service solution design and implementation experience",
            "Reason logically and creatively, identifying problems, drawing valid conclusions from the data available, and develop effective solutions while applying creative thinking in the design and development of high performing web applications",
            "Collaborate with fellow senior and lead engineers to keep the team’s technology radar and architecture principles aligned to the industry and needs of our users",
            "Lead code reviews and provide leadership and direction to junior engineers",
            "Deliver multiple projects utilizing an Agile methodology",
            "Take a high ownership, self-sufficient, hands-on position on the team to lead and drive quality, maintain application stability",
            "Write complex programs, analyze code changes and suggest improvements",
            "Check-in valuable, clean code on a daily basis that adds new features and capabilities",
            "Create reference implementations for the purpose of mentoring and leading more junior staff (when required)",
            "Help define engineering standards and provide technical mentorship to the team",
            "Investigate and resolve any production issues from end user (UI) to persistence layer and work to prevent them",
            "Work with product managers and managers to ensure that all project deliverables are on time and high quality",
            "Work collaboratively with other service teams"
      "extensions": ["14 days ago", "Full-time", "Health insurance"],
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          "source": "Disney-Redesign.searchgreatcareers.com"
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          "source": "Michigan Jobs - Tarta.ai"
          "link": "https://www.devengineerjobs.com/job/wfwm603e/lead-software-engineer?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Dev Engineer Jobs"
          "link": "https://www.whatjobs.com/job/Lead-Software-Engineer/bristol/1619058466?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "WhatJobs"
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      "sharing_link": "https://www.google.com/search?ibp=htl;jobs&q=Software+Developer&htidocid=U48UspkSspuFk5_wAAAAAA%3D%3D&hl=en-US&kgs=eb71b71211f7fc8f&shndl=-1&shem=vslcea&source=sh/x/job/li/m1/1#fpstate=tldetail&htivrt=jobs&htiq=Software+Developer&htidocid=U48UspkSspuFk5_wAAAAAA%3D%3D"
      "position": 5,
      "title": "Sr. Software Engineer",
      "company_name": "Inc.",
      "location": "Santa Monica, CA",
      "via": "via Built In LA",
      "description": "DACK is a rapidly growing tech startup located in Los Angeles, CA that is transforming the lodging industry. We offer an exciting and dynamic work environment with great benefits, fun perks, and growth opportunities.\n\nDACK is seeking an innovative, motivated, and diligent programmer to fill the Senior Engineer (.Net core, Web, MVC). The Senior Engineer will work closely with the key DACK leadership to deliver quality software and product development through diligence and innovation.\n\nApplicants should have 5+ years of development experience and be well versed in software application development (server-side), API integrations, web development, cloud architecture, and IoT systems. Applicants should have a proven track record of creating innovative tech solutions. Applicants should have experience in all phases of development including sprint, testing, and maintenance phases.\n\nKey Responsibilities\n• Research, identify, and dictate application development strategies\n• Write, execute and review code during development sprints\n• Coordinate with API software and hardware partners to ensure ongoing seamless integration with applications\n• Monitor competing applications, industry advancements, technology breakthroughs, UX trends, and recommended action items based on findings\n• Monitor analytics, user feedback submissions, error logs, marketing surveys, development team feedback and suggestions, and create action items based on findings\n\nRequirements\n• Bachelor's degree in computer science, math, or similar\n• Master's degree a plus\n• Well versed in API development, front end frameworks (MVC) and cloud architecture\n• Demonstrated API and web programming knowledge through written and verbal tests\n• IoT Experience a plus\n• Mobile application development is a plus\n• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills\n• 5+ Years of development experience\n• Works well within offshore team environment time zones\n\nBenefits\n• 401(k)\n• Flexible Schedule\n• Health, Dental, and Vision Insurance (75% of cost covered by DACK)\n• Paid Time Off\n• Professional development assistance\n• Equity Incentive Plan\n• Fun Corporate Events\n\nSalary: $120,000 - $160,000",
      "job_highlights": [
          "title": "Qualifications",
          "items": [
            "Applicants should have 5+ years of development experience and be well versed in software application development (server-side), API integrations, web development, cloud architecture, and IoT systems",
            "Applicants should have a proven track record of creating innovative tech solutions",
            "Applicants should have experience in all phases of development including sprint, testing, and maintenance phases",
            "Bachelor's degree in computer science, math, or similar",
            "Well versed in API development, front end frameworks (MVC) and cloud architecture",
            "Demonstrated API and web programming knowledge through written and verbal tests",
            "Excellent communication and interpersonal skills",
            "5+ Years of development experience",
            "Works well within offshore team environment time zones"
          "title": "Benefits",
          "items": [
            "Flexible Schedule",
            "Health, Dental, and Vision Insurance (75% of cost covered by DACK)",
            "Paid Time Off",
            "Professional development assistance",
            "Equity Incentive Plan",
            "Fun Corporate Events",
            "Salary: $120,000 - $160,000"
          "title": "Responsibilities",
          "items": [
            "The Senior Engineer will work closely with the key DACK leadership to deliver quality software and product development through diligence and innovation",
            "Research, identify, and dictate application development strategies",
            "Write, execute and review code during development sprints",
            "Coordinate with API software and hardware partners to ensure ongoing seamless integration with applications",
            "Monitor competing applications, industry advancements, technology breakthroughs, UX trends, and recommended action items based on findings",
            "Monitor analytics, user feedback submissions, error logs, marketing surveys, development team feedback and suggestions, and create action items based on findings"
      "extensions": [
        "7 days ago",
        "120K–160K a year",
        "Health insurance",
        "Dental insurance",
        "Paid time off"
      "detected_extensions": {
        "posted_at": "7 days ago",
        "salary": "120K–160K a year",
        "schedule": "Full-time",
        "health_insurance": true,
        "dental_insurance": true,
        "paid_time_off": true
      "apply_link": "https://www.builtinla.com/job/sr-software-engineer/112154?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
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          "link": "https://www.builtinla.com/job/sr-software-engineer/112154?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Built In LA"
          "link": "https://california.tarta.ai/j/P0mnVY0BcRajQcTjSzex0124-networking-engineer-in-norwalk-california-at-virtualvocations?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Tarta.ai"
      "sharing_link": "https://www.google.com/search?ibp=htl;jobs&q=Software+Developer&htidocid=a9H4rxgYtkjPf26sAAAAAA%3D%3D&hl=en-US&kgs=eb71b71211f7fc8f&shndl=-1&shem=vslcea&source=sh/x/job/li/m1/1#fpstate=tldetail&htivrt=jobs&htiq=Software+Developer&htidocid=a9H4rxgYtkjPf26sAAAAAA%3D%3D",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "position": 6,
      "title": "Software Developer",
      "company_name": "California State University, Long Beach",
      "location": "Long Beach, CA",
      "via": "via LinkedIn",
      "description": "Job Summary\n\nUnder minimal supervision, the Software Developer will be a hands-on, technical member of the Student Administration Systems team responsible for implementing and maintaining software systems and interfaces to various student information systems, predominantly in Hyland OnBase and Oracle Peoplesoft Campus Solutions. This is an internal customer-facing role, and requires excellent prioritization, responsiveness, highly technical skills, and customer service, along with excellent verbal communication skills. In keeping with the Enrollment Services values and competencies, the incumbent develops and maintains positive working relationships with internal and external contacts. Furthermore, the incumbent provides services that are equitable, inclusive, and culturally sensitive to enhance the quality of campus life. This position uses a student-centered and equity-minded approach in all communication and service efforts.\n\nKey Responsibilities\n• Development and Programming - Primary technical programmer for all third-party applications and OnBase workflows. Design and implement procedures, software programs, reports, utilities, and documentation to support customer-focused delivery of business data.\n• Requirements Analysis - Collaborate with Student Systems and functional teams on related enhancements and workflows. Assist project teams with gathering functional requirements, design, implementation, training, and ongoing support.\n• Production Support - Support third-party applications, including on-site and remotely hosted software. Main technical support for HS and College transcripts.\n\nKnowledge Skills And Abilities\n\nDemonstrated ability to apply consultation skills to assess user needs then design and implement the solutions. Demonstrated ability to implement customizations in 3rd party systems (such as OnBase, DocuSign, and imaging systems). Ability to work successfully with software vendors to resolve Issues, develop customizations, and perform upgrade projects. Ability to develop working programs in Java, C#, VB or other object-oriented languages. Ability to develop web pages and applications with XML, XSL, HTML and JavaScript. Expertise in SQL and PL/SQL. Ability to develop in report programming languages.\n\nKnowledge and experience with Hyland OnBase and Oracle Peoplesoft Campus Solutions. Knowledge of relational database structures, data flow analysis methodologies, flat-file handling, and FTP. Knowledge of Windows Server operating systems along with their administration and configuration. Knowledge of personal computer operating systems, TCPIP configurations/setup, Microsoft Office products, and other PC applications. Knowledge of network connectivity, integration, and protocols. Proven ability to use administration tools designed for Higher Education (PeopleSoft, OnBase, DocuSign, and imaging systems). Maintains a safe work environment. Communicates with the University community in a civil manner.\n\nAbility to communicate with an ethnically and culturally diverse campus community. Ability to follow all university policies, procedures, and guidelines including but not limited to safety, civility, information security, and non-discrimination policies and procedures. Ability to contribute to a positive university experience for each and every student and assist in achieving the university's commitment to a \"vision of excellence.\"\n\nEducation And Experience\n\nEquivalent to a bachelor's degree in computer science, information systems or a related field and two years of related programming experience required. Certifications in OnBase System Administration, OnBase Workflow, and/or OnBase API required.\n\nPhysical Summary\n• Sedentary work - Involves mainly sitting. Walking and standing are minimal. Lifting is limited to lightweight objects. (10 pounds or less).\n\nLicenses / Certificates\n\nCertifications in OnBase System Administration, OnBase Workflow, and/or OnBase API.\n\nDepartment\n\nES Student Systems\n\nClassification\n\nAnalyst/Programmer - Career\n\nCompensation\n\nSalary placement is determined by the education, experience, and qualifications the candidate brings to the position, internal equity, and the hiring department’s fiscal resources.\n\nHiring Range: The hiring range for this position is $5,042 - $6,667 per month commensurate with candidate's education, experience, skills, and training.\n\nCSU Classification Salary Range: The CSU Classification Salary Range for this position is $4,912 - $12,124 per month.\n\nBenefits\n\nExcellent benefits through CalPERS (health, vision, dental), tuition fee waiver, generous vacation and sick leave, and 14 paid holidays each year.\n\nTime Base\n\n1.0 time-base, 40 hours per week.\n\nDuration of Appointment\n\nThis is a temporary position for 1 year with no permanent status granted. Temporary assignments may expire prior to the ending date.\n\nApplication Procedures\n\nClick Apply Now to complete the CSULB Online Employment Application.\n\nPLEASE FILL OUT THE APPLICATION COMPLETELY. It is important that all sections of the on-line application are filled out completely and accurately. Please include all relevant education and experience. Your application will be used to determine whether you meet the minimum qualifications for this position.\n\nAdditional Information\n\nA background check (including a criminal records check) must be completed satisfactorily and is required for employment. CSU will make a conditional offer of employment, which may be rescinded if the background check reveals disqualifying information, and/or it is discovered that the candidate knowingly withheld or falsified information. Failure to satisfactorily complete the background check may affect the continued employment of a current CSU employee who was conditionally offered the position.\n\nDue to the nature of this position, current CSULB employees are subject to a criminal record check unless they have successfully completed a criminal background check through CSULB within the past 12 months.\n\nCSULB is not a sponsoring agency for staff and management positions (i.e. H-1B Visas).\n\nCalifornia State University Long Beach expects respectful, professional behavior from its employees in all situations. Acts of harassment or abusive conduct are prohibited. Demonstrated appropriate professional behavior, treating others with civility and respect, and refusing to tolerate abusive conduct is expected of all employees.\\\n\nEqual Employment Statement\n\nCalifornia State University Long Beach is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer that is strongly committed to promoting diversity in all areas of the campus community. We consider qualified applicants for employment without regard to age, physical or mental disability, gender or sex, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, medical condition, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion or religious creed, sexual orientation, and veteran or military status.\n\nAccommodations\n\nWe provide reasonable accommodations to applicants and employees with disabilities. Applicants with questions about access or requiring a reasonable accommodation for any part of the application or hiring process should contact StaffHR-Accommodations@csulb.edu .\n\nOut of State Employment Policy\n\nCalifornia State University, Long Beach, as part of the CSU system, is a State of California Employer. As such, the University requires all employees upon date of hire to reside in the State of California.\n\nAs of January 1, 2022 the CSU Out-of-State Employment Policy prohibits the hiring of employees to perform CSU-related work outside the state of California.",
      "job_highlights": [
          "title": "Qualifications",
          "items": [
            "Main technical support for HS and College transcripts",
            "Demonstrated ability to apply consultation skills to assess user needs then design and implement the solutions",
            "Ability to work successfully with software vendors to resolve Issues, develop customizations, and perform upgrade projects",
            "Ability to develop working programs in Java, C#, VB or other object-oriented languages",
            "Ability to develop web pages and applications with XML, XSL, HTML and JavaScript",
            "Expertise in SQL and PL/SQL",
            "Ability to develop in report programming languages",
            "Knowledge and experience with Hyland OnBase and Oracle Peoplesoft Campus Solutions",
            "Knowledge of relational database structures, data flow analysis methodologies, flat-file handling, and FTP",
            "Knowledge of Windows Server operating systems along with their administration and configuration",
            "Knowledge of personal computer operating systems, TCPIP configurations/setup, Microsoft Office products, and other PC applications",
            "Knowledge of network connectivity, integration, and protocols",
            "Proven ability to use administration tools designed for Higher Education (PeopleSoft, OnBase, DocuSign, and imaging systems)",
            "Ability to communicate with an ethnically and culturally diverse campus community",
            "Ability to follow all university policies, procedures, and guidelines including but not limited to safety, civility, information security, and non-discrimination policies and procedures",
            "Ability to contribute to a positive university experience for each and every student and assist in achieving the university's commitment to a \"vision of excellence.\"",
            "Equivalent to a bachelor's degree in computer science, information systems or a related field and two years of related programming experience required",
            "Certifications in OnBase System Administration, OnBase Workflow, and/or OnBase API required",
            "Walking and standing are minimal",
            "Lifting is limited to lightweight objects",
            "(10 pounds or less)",
            "Licenses / Certificates",
            "Certifications in OnBase System Administration, OnBase Workflow, and/or OnBase API",
            "A background check (including a criminal records check) must be completed satisfactorily and is required for employment",
            "CSU will make a conditional offer of employment, which may be rescinded if the background check reveals disqualifying information, and/or it is discovered that the candidate knowingly withheld or falsified information",
            "Due to the nature of this position, current CSULB employees are subject to a criminal record check unless they have successfully completed a criminal background check through CSULB within the past 12 months",
            "Applicants with questions about access or requiring a reasonable accommodation for any part of the application or hiring process should contact StaffHR-Accommodations@csulb.edu "
          "title": "Benefits",
          "items": [
            "Salary placement is determined by the education, experience, and qualifications the candidate brings to the position, internal equity, and the hiring department’s fiscal resources",
            "Hiring Range: The hiring range for this position is $5,042 - $6,667 per month commensurate with candidate's education, experience, skills, and training",
            "CSU Classification Salary Range: The CSU Classification Salary Range for this position is $4,912 - $12,124 per month",
            "Excellent benefits through CalPERS (health, vision, dental), tuition fee waiver, generous vacation and sick leave, and 14 paid holidays each year",
            "1.0 time-base, 40 hours per week"
          "title": "Responsibilities",
          "items": [
            "Under minimal supervision, the Software Developer will be a hands-on, technical member of the Student Administration Systems team responsible for implementing and maintaining software systems and interfaces to various student information systems, predominantly in Hyland OnBase and Oracle Peoplesoft Campus Solutions",
            "This is an internal customer-facing role, and requires excellent prioritization, responsiveness, highly technical skills, and customer service, along with excellent verbal communication skills",
            "In keeping with the Enrollment Services values and competencies, the incumbent develops and maintains positive working relationships with internal and external contacts",
            "This position uses a student-centered and equity-minded approach in all communication and service efforts",
            "Development and Programming - Primary technical programmer for all third-party applications and OnBase workflows",
            "Design and implement procedures, software programs, reports, utilities, and documentation to support customer-focused delivery of business data",
            "Requirements Analysis - Collaborate with Student Systems and functional teams on related enhancements and workflows",
            "Assist project teams with gathering functional requirements, design, implementation, training, and ongoing support",
            "Production Support - Support third-party applications, including on-site and remotely hosted software",
            "Demonstrated ability to implement customizations in 3rd party systems (such as OnBase, DocuSign, and imaging systems)",
            "Maintains a safe work environment",
            "Communicates with the University community in a civil manner",
            "Sedentary work - Involves mainly sitting"
      "extensions": [
        "3 hours ago",
        "Dental insurance",
        "Paid time off",
        "Health insurance"
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      "apply_link": "https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/software-developer-at-california-state-university-long-beach-3982878378?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
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          "source": "LinkedIn"
          "link": "https://www.simplyhired.com/job/aP4P3QgEycmpy9JzD52P1MQWnv5v8PR933y_npJToqdqpQAtFrdH2g?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "SimplyHired"
      "sharing_link": "https://www.google.com/search?ibp=htl;jobs&q=Software+Developer&htidocid=ULKgHt3pQdQXbx0tAAAAAA%3D%3D&hl=en-US&kgs=eb71b71211f7fc8f&shndl=-1&shem=vslcea&source=sh/x/job/li/m1/1#fpstate=tldetail&htivrt=jobs&htiq=Software+Developer&htidocid=ULKgHt3pQdQXbx0tAAAAAA%3D%3D",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "position": 7,
      "title": "Senior Software Engineer, Creator Marketplace",
      "company_name": "Audible, Inc.",
      "location": "Culver City, CA",
      "via": "via Audible Careers",
      "description": "At Audible, we believe stories have the power to transform lives. It’s why we work with some of the world’s leading creators to produce and share audio storytelling with our millions of global listeners. We are dreamers and inventors who come from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences to empower and inspire each other. Imagine your future with us.\n\nABOUT THIS ROLE\nAs a Senior Software Engineer, it’s up to you to research, define, design and refine the tech that keeps us one step ahead of listeners. Anticipate. Innovate. Bring challenging ideas and we’ll support you with the latest tech, tools and systems that you need to succeed. You’ll be essential in ensuring the team can reach their potential; working closely with them, reviewing their work, mentoring, and supporting them to develop. Together, you’ll build and maintain our platform to bring thousands of stories to millions of listeners and unleash the power of the human voice.\n\nABOUT THE TEAM\nThis is an opportunity to join a growing team in a brand new Audible hub in Los Angeles. Audible’s Creator Marketplace customers are talented storytellers, voice actors, producers, publishers and our internal content teams. We build innovative tools that let these creators focus on creation while helping them bring their art to millions of listeners by building tools that are valuable, easy to use, and ensuring their success with their audience. By focusing on our creators, we also create value to Audible’s global consumers by helping them to discover new content, talent and stories they love and share.\n\nTrue to Audible's People Principles, we are committed to the success of our people. We define success as not only career advancement but also personal growth and well-being. We actively support our employees through various programs, including mentoring and coaching opportunities, training initiatives, and flexible work arrangements that promote a healthy work-life balance. At Audible, we cherish the diverse backgrounds and perspectives within our team, recognizing that they are essential for fostering robust conversations and finding the right solutions for our customers. We encourage each individual to bring their unique experiences to the table, knowing that diversity fuels our creativity, enriches our collaborative efforts, and leads to better outcomes. By embracing differing viewpoints, we unlock the full potential of our team and create a culture of inclusion and respect.\n\nWe have exciting opportunities that will challenge you to leverage your technical expertise and make a significant impact. As a technical role model and high-impact contributor, you will have the chance to work alongside a team of exceptionally talented individuals who share your passion for innovation and success. Together, you will create transformative experiences for our audience.\n\nABOUT YOU\nYou feel pride in every step forward, however big or small. We look for individuals who take ownership of their work, show initiative, and set high standards. Setting high standards means consistently striving for excellence, pushing the boundaries of what is possible, and delivering exceptional results. At Audible, we believe that every failure is an opportunity to learn and grow. We foster an environment that encourages individuals to embrace failure as a natural part of the learning process. We see it as an opportunity to analyze, adapt, and improve, ultimately driving innovation and personal development.\n\nAs a Senior Software Engineer, you will...\n- Design, develop, and test software components and applications for one of the largest creator and provider of audiobooks in the world\n- Collaborate with stakeholders to imagine, design, develop, test, and launch software that impacts our customers and inspires your peers\n- Be proficient in a broad range of data structures and algorithms, knowing when it is (and isn’t) appropriate to use them\n- Independently clarify technical requirements, assessing development estimates and apply a broad range of design approaches\n- Review code of other team members and provide constructive direction\n- Mentor and lead developers by cultivating curiosity and deep technical understanding\n\nABOUT AUDIBLE\nAudible is the leading producer and provider of audio storytelling. We spark listeners’ imaginations, offering immersive, cinematic experiences full of inspiration and insight to enrich our customers daily lives. Our Hub+Home hybrid workplace model gives employees the flexibility between gathering in a common office space (work from hub) and remote work (work from home). For more information, please visit adbl.co/hybrid.",
      "job_highlights": [
          "title": "Qualifications",
          "items": [
            "You feel pride in every step forward, however big or small",
            "We look for individuals who take ownership of their work, show initiative, and set high standards"
          "title": "Benefits",
          "items": [
            "We actively support our employees through various programs, including mentoring and coaching opportunities, training initiatives, and flexible work arrangements that promote a healthy work-life balance",
            "We have exciting opportunities that will challenge you to leverage your technical expertise and make a significant impact"
          "title": "Responsibilities",
          "items": [
            "Bring challenging ideas and we’ll support you with the latest tech, tools and systems that you need to succeed",
            "You’ll be essential in ensuring the team can reach their potential; working closely with them, reviewing their work, mentoring, and supporting them to develop",
            "Together, you’ll build and maintain our platform to bring thousands of stories to millions of listeners and unleash the power of the human voice",
            "Design, develop, and test software components and applications for one of the largest creator and provider of audiobooks in the world",
            "Collaborate with stakeholders to imagine, design, develop, test, and launch software that impacts our customers and inspires your peers",
            "Be proficient in a broad range of data structures and algorithms, knowing when it is (and isn’t) appropriate to use them",
            "Independently clarify technical requirements, assessing development estimates and apply a broad range of design approaches",
            "Review code of other team members and provide constructive direction",
            "Mentor and lead developers by cultivating curiosity and deep technical understanding"
      "extensions": ["9 days ago", "Full-time"],
      "detected_extensions": {
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        "schedule": "Full-time"
      "apply_link": "https://www.audiblecareers.com/job/culver-city/senior-software-engineer-creator-marketplace/27552/67609637264?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
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          "source": "Audible Careers"
          "link": "https://www.glassdoor.com/job-listing/senior-software-engineer-creator-marketplace-amazon-com-JV_IC1146771_KO0,44_KE45,55.htm?jl=1009368129913&utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Glassdoor"
          "link": "https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?jk=50f29039cb550cc2&utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Indeed"
          "link": "https://www.ziprecruiter.com/c/Amazon/Job/Senior-Software-Engineer,-Creator-Marketplace/-in-Culver-City,CA?jid=d80969ab4a01758f&utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "ZipRecruiter"
          "link": "https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/senior-software-engineer-creator-marketplace-at-audible-3977081143?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "LinkedIn"
          "link": "https://h1bjobs.ellis.com/companies/amazon-3-60ad394d-c673-4474-9694-344b0cae748f/jobs/38658488-senior-software-engineer-creator-marketplace?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "H-1B Job Board - Ellis"
          "link": "https://joboffers.euronews.com/job/senior-software-engineer-creator-marketplace-3-at-audible-2?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Euronews Jobs"
          "link": "https://healthyhomecafe.com/joblib/job/senior-software-engineer-creator-marketplace-at-amazon-culver-city-ca-OVBZZEdLYzN0RWFHeGd3eWV4SnZ4ZnNuVnc9PQ==?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Healthy Home Cafe"
      "sharing_link": "https://www.google.com/search?ibp=htl;jobs&q=Software+Developer&htidocid=TVTZPm7FyxxW9v17AAAAAA%3D%3D&hl=en-US&kgs=eb71b71211f7fc8f&shndl=-1&shem=vslcea&source=sh/x/job/li/m1/1#fpstate=tldetail&htivrt=jobs&htiq=Software+Developer&htidocid=TVTZPm7FyxxW9v17AAAAAA%3D%3D",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "position": 8,
      "title": "Software Developer, Workplace IT Products",
      "company_name": "The Regents of the University of California on behalf of their Los Angeles Campus",
      "location": "Los Angeles, CA",
      "via": "via UCLA Career",
      "description": "Department Summary\n\nIn partnership with and in support of administrative stakeholders, the Business Information Technology team designs, develops, configures, enhances, optimizes, and maintains products and platforms that enable UCLA’s business functions (e.g., Budget & Financial Management, Student Information, Faculty Information, Business Information, Human Resource Information, Customer Relationship Management).The Workplace Products team conceives, configures, monitors, defines, tests, delivers, monitors, optimizes, and refines Workplace Products and application technologies, including but not limited to mobile and web applications, collaboration tools, CRM products, budget/financial management products, HR applications, and other services. This department also works to optimize user experience, address digital accessibility needs, and establish the highest standards of quality assurance and release management for UCLA's administrative applications and technologies.\nPosition Summary\n\nThe Software Developer, Workplace IT Products will develop and configure back-end services product solutions, adhering to coding best practices and standards. They will help ensure that all functionality and capabilities meet the needs of a broad range of customers, partners, and key stakeholders by translating requirements into code that enhances the usability, creates business value, and elevates the customer experience. This team member will also conduct testing, troubleshooting, and debugging to enable optimal performance. Additional responsibilities include conducting research of emerging technologies and industry practices for Workplace Products; making recommendations regarding best practices and technologies for adoption and providing input to continual improvement activities for assigned projects. The Software Developer, Workplace IT Products will positively impact UCLA's operations and culture by enabling University stakeholders to effectively leverage Workplace Products and applications. This team member will advance the University's mission by delivering exceptional information technology services comprehensively and consistently across faculty, staff, and students. This role will execute UCLA's vision while modeling UCLA's culture and values.\n\nSalary & Compensation\n• UCLA provides a full pay range. Actual salary offers consider factors, including budget, prior experience, skills, knowledge, abilities, education, licensure and certifications, and other business considerations. Salary offers at the top of the range are not common. Visit UC Benefit package to discover benefits that start on day one, and UC Total Compensation Estimator to calculate the total compensation value with benefits.\nQualifications\n• Three years experience working in one or more of the following fields: computer science, computer information systems, software development, or related field. (Required)\n• Experience with identification and use of code libraries and open-source forums. (Required)\n• Experience in the design and development of enterprise applications using Node.js, Python, Java, .Net, JavaScript, PHP, etc. Experience in testing frameworks and tools. (Required)\n• Experience in cloud technologies such as AWS, Azure, GCP, or similar. Experience with databases such as Oracle, MSSQL or similar (Required)\n• Experience with planning for deployment and creation of feedback mechanisms (Required)\n• Experience developing and executing complex test plans. (Required)\n• Five or more years experience working in one or more of the following fields: computer science, computer information systems, software development. (Preferred)\n• Experience in complex higher education environments, serving academic and administrative functions of a large public university. (Preferred)\n• Knowledge and skill in secure software development, software repository skills, and software specification, design, modification, implementation and deployment of large-scale scope. (Required)\n• Able to establish and advance positive working relationships and a strong rapport with team members, stakeholders, and customers. (Required)\n• Strong organizational skills and is able to balance competing priorities and support concurrent projects. Ability to work in a project-based environment using project management practices. (Required)\n• Strong demonstrated problem-solving skills; scopes solutions based on knowledge of available resources and timelines. Able to ask questions, gather information, evaluate options, and make decisions with integrity. (Required)\n• Strong written and verbal communication skills and is able to communicate technical information and ideas to a diverse community of colleagues and stakeholders. (Required)\n• Able to participate in activities to advance an inclusive environment that values equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging. (Required)\n• Thinks creatively and proposes innovative ideas, including the incorporation of new technologies or processes. Is able to work with agility in a fast-paced environment. (Required)\nEducation, Licenses, Certifications & Personal Affiliations\n• Bachelor's Degree in one or more of: information technology, computer science, public administration, business administration, communications, or a related field, or equivalent experience/training. (Required)\n• Bachelor's Degree in one or more of the following fields: information technology, computer science, public administration, business administration, communications. (Preferred)\nSpecial Conditions for Employment\n• This position is eligible for a hybrid work arrangement that includes regular visits to campus as needed (for those who work remotely, travel/lodging expenses are not eligible for reimbursement).\n\nNOTE: This position REQUIRES that a RESUME and COVER LETTER be submitted in addition to the application. Please have these two files ready to upload when applying.\n• Background Check: Continued employment is contingent upon the completion of a satisfactory background investigation.\n• Live Scan Background Check: A Live Scan background check must be completed prior to the start of employment.\n\nSchedule\n\n8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. PT, Monday through Friday and/or variable based upon operational needs.\nUnion/Policy Covered\n\n99-Policy Covered\nComplete Position Description\n\nhttps://universityofcalifornia.marketpayjobs.com/ShowJob.aspx?EntityID=38&jobcode=TBD_1356",
      "job_highlights": [
          "title": "Qualifications",
          "items": [
            "Three years experience working in one or more of the following fields: computer science, computer information systems, software development, or related field. (Required)",
            "Experience with identification and use of code libraries and open-source forums",
            "Experience in the design and development of enterprise applications using Node.js, Python, Java, .Net, JavaScript, PHP, etc",
            "Experience in testing frameworks and tools",
            "Experience in cloud technologies such as AWS, Azure, GCP, or similar",
            "Experience with databases such as Oracle, MSSQL or similar (Required)",
            "Experience with planning for deployment and creation of feedback mechanisms (Required)",
            "Experience developing and executing complex test plans",
            "Five or more years experience working in one or more of the following fields: computer science, computer information systems, software development",
            "Able to establish and advance positive working relationships and a strong rapport with team members, stakeholders, and customers",
            "Strong organizational skills and is able to balance competing priorities and support concurrent projects",
            "Ability to work in a project-based environment using project management practices",
            "Strong demonstrated problem-solving skills; scopes solutions based on knowledge of available resources and timelines",
            "Able to ask questions, gather information, evaluate options, and make decisions with integrity",
            "Strong written and verbal communication skills and is able to communicate technical information and ideas to a diverse community of colleagues and stakeholders",
            "Able to participate in activities to advance an inclusive environment that values equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging",
            "Thinks creatively and proposes innovative ideas, including the incorporation of new technologies or processes",
            "Is able to work with agility in a fast-paced environment",
            "Education, Licenses, Certifications & Personal Affiliations",
            "Bachelor's Degree in one or more of: information technology, computer science, public administration, business administration, communications, or a related field, or equivalent experience/training",
            "Bachelor's Degree in one or more of the following fields: information technology, computer science, public administration, business administration, communications",
            "Background Check: Continued employment is contingent upon the completion of a satisfactory background investigation",
            "Live Scan Background Check: A Live Scan background check must be completed prior to the start of employment"
          "title": "Benefits",
          "items": [
            "Salary & Compensation",
            "UCLA provides a full pay range",
            "Actual salary offers consider factors, including budget, prior experience, skills, knowledge, abilities, education, licensure and certifications, and other business considerations",
            "Salary offers at the top of the range are not common",
            "Visit UC Benefit package to discover benefits that start on day one, and UC Total Compensation Estimator to calculate the total compensation value with benefits",
            "This position is eligible for a hybrid work arrangement that includes regular visits to campus as needed (for those who work remotely, travel/lodging expenses are not eligible for reimbursement)"
          "title": "Responsibilities",
          "items": [
            "In partnership with and in support of administrative stakeholders, the Business Information Technology team designs, develops, configures, enhances, optimizes, and maintains products and platforms that enable UCLA’s business functions (e.g., Budget & Financial Management, Student Information, Faculty Information, Business Information, Human Resource Information, Customer Relationship Management)",
            "The Workplace Products team conceives, configures, monitors, defines, tests, delivers, monitors, optimizes, and refines Workplace Products and application technologies, including but not limited to mobile and web applications, collaboration tools, CRM products, budget/financial management products, HR applications, and other services",
            "This department also works to optimize user experience, address digital accessibility needs, and establish the highest standards of quality assurance and release management for UCLA's administrative applications and technologies",
            "The Software Developer, Workplace IT Products will develop and configure back-end services product solutions, adhering to coding best practices and standards",
            "They will help ensure that all functionality and capabilities meet the needs of a broad range of customers, partners, and key stakeholders by translating requirements into code that enhances the usability, creates business value, and elevates the customer experience",
            "This team member will also conduct testing, troubleshooting, and debugging to enable optimal performance",
            "Additional responsibilities include conducting research of emerging technologies and industry practices for Workplace Products; making recommendations regarding best practices and technologies for adoption and providing input to continual improvement activities for assigned projects",
            "The Software Developer, Workplace IT Products will positively impact UCLA's operations and culture by enabling University stakeholders to effectively leverage Workplace Products and applications",
            "This team member will advance the University's mission by delivering exceptional information technology services comprehensively and consistently across faculty, staff, and students",
            "This role will execute UCLA's vision while modeling UCLA's culture and values",
            "8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. PT, Monday through Friday and/or variable based upon operational needs"
      "extensions": ["14 days ago", "Full-time", "Health insurance"],
      "detected_extensions": {
        "posted_at": "14 days ago",
        "schedule": "Full-time",
        "health_insurance": true
      "apply_link": "https://jobs.ucla.edu/jobs/3681?lang=en-us&utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
      "apply_links": [
          "link": "https://jobs.ucla.edu/jobs/3681?lang=en-us&utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "UCLA Career"
          "link": "https://www.ziprecruiter.com/c/The-Regents-of-the-University-of-California-on-behalf-of-their-Los-Angeles-Campus/Job/Software-Developer,-Workplace-IT-Products/-in-Los-Angeles,CA?jid=886694831fd0380d&utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "ZipRecruiter"
          "link": "https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?jk=ca05b3c8eeac40f1&utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Indeed"
          "link": "https://www.dice.com/job-detail/0d35db34-ee61-4aa3-a3d0-00b82ceb93ab?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Dice.com"
          "link": "https://careers.insidehighered.com/job/3158622/software-developer-financial-management-products?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Inside Higher Ed Careers"
          "link": "https://www.glassdoor.com/job-listing/software-developer-billing-receivables-it-products-ucla-JV_IC1146821_KO0,50_KE51,55.htm?jl=1009362221965&utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Glassdoor"
          "link": "https://jobs.magazine.org/jobs/20303161/software-developer-parking-fleet-it-products?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Magazine Publishers Of America"
          "link": "https://jooble.org/jdp/-5477570992947653078?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Jooble"
      "sharing_link": "https://www.google.com/search?ibp=htl;jobs&q=Software+Developer&htidocid=qd70nmmrbwf4h2-4AAAAAA%3D%3D&hl=en-US&kgs=eb71b71211f7fc8f&shndl=-1&shem=vslcea&source=sh/x/job/li/m1/1#fpstate=tldetail&htivrt=jobs&htiq=Software+Developer&htidocid=qd70nmmrbwf4h2-4AAAAAA%3D%3D"
      "position": 9,
      "company_name": "County of Los Angeles",
      "location": "Los Angeles, CA",
      "via": "via GovernmentJobs.com",
      "description": "The Los Angeles County Office of the Assessor strives to be the premier property assessment agency in the nation. We believe in exceptional ethics in the work environment and are dedicated professionals committed to serve our Assessor employees and the public. We A.S.P.I.R.E. for Accountability, Service Excellence, Professionalism, Integrity, Respect, and Equity.\n\nREPOSTING\nTHIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS A REBULLETIN TO REOPEN THE FILING PERIOD AND CHANGE ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION FROM STANDARD LIST TO ELIGIBLE REGISTER.\n\nEXAM TITLE:\nSENIOR SOFTWARE ENGINEER\n(Payroll Title: Senior Application Developer)\n\nEXAM NUMBER\nG2525T-R\n\nTYPE OF RECRUITMENT\nOpen Competitive Job Opportunity\n\nAPPLICATION FILING PERIOD\nWe will begin receiving applications on Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 8:00 a.m. (PT). This examination will remain open until the needs of the service are met and is subject to closure without prior notice.\n\nWHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR:\nThe Office of the Assessor is looking for an ambitious and experienced Senior Software Engineer to join our Information Technology Branch. This position in the Business Solutions Group (BSG) requires an experienced developer to fill a lead role in our Assessor Modernization Project (AMP), a $100 million multi-years/phases program. This project replaces the Assessor's Office legacy mainframe property assessment systems with State-of-the-Art technologies using Oracle Fusion Middleware (FMW) enterprise architecture, database, security, system monitoring, web application and cloud service products and infrastructure, to support the Assessor's Office and County's business goals and strategic plans. The successful candidate will be working in an Agile scrum open collaborative and DevOps friendly environment to support Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) activities to design/develop/test/debug/integrate/deploy/maintain various AMP enterprise system business applications and interfaces (front-end/middle-tier/back-end development and DevOps management) according to user stories requirements and program specifications, in the cloud-based (OCI IaaS/PaaS) Test-Driven Development (TDD) environments.\n\nWHAT YOU WILL DO:\nUnder the direction of the technical supervisor, this position will be considered the team's lead engineer while working in Agile Scrum teams and/or DevOps teams, they will be guiding team members from development, DevOps management, quality assurance, infrastructure administration, project management, business product owners/SME's, contractors and other IT technical staff. The successful candidate will be expected to hold an authoritative level of technical knowledge as well as be able to work both independently and provide mentorship on one or more projects in AMP:\n• AMP Front-end application and reporting development projects in: Oracle WebCenter Portal (WCP), JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET), Application Development Framework (ADF), Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BIP), Oracle Application Express (APEX), and Microsoft .NET, etc.\n• AMP Middle-tier application and content management development projects in: Oracle ServiceOriented Architecture Suite (SOA), Oracle Service Bus (OSB), Oracle Business Process Management Suite (BPM), Oracle Business Rules and Policy Automation (OBR, OPA), Oracle WebCenter Content (WCC), and OpenText/EMC Captiva, etc.\n• AMP Back-end application and database integration development projects in: Oracle ExaData Database Cloud Service (ExaCS), Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW), Oracle Data Integrator (ODI), Oracle GoldenGate (OGG, Veridata), Microsoft SQL Server, and Trillium, etc.\n• AMP DevOps release/configuration management and CI/CD process improvement/automation projects in: Jenkins, Git, Apache Maven/Ant/Archiva/Groovy, Ansible, Terraform, Python, and JIRA, etc.\n• AMP open-source development/testing projects in: Java, JavaScript, Node.js, PHP, SonarQube, JMeter, JUnit, SoapUI, Linux Shell scripting, and other web-services based application development with REST/SOAP.\n• Obtain business requirements from the stakeholders and product owners to provide solutions through innovation, automation, and streamlining of their business workflow and operation.\n• Analyzes, designs, develops, tests, debugs, installs, and deploys application software programs by applying software/application development concepts in order to create/maintain/modify new or existing business applications and interfaces according to user stories requirements and program specifications in the cloud-based Test-Driven Development (TDD) environments.\n• Gathers software requirements and develops requirement specifications, user stories, functional and technical design specifications, user manuals, runbooks, release notes, and/or wiki pages by collaborating with stakeholders in order to support departmental goals and objectives and comply with county policies and procedures.\n• Leads in development and support of front-end software applications in the areas of user interfaces, mobility, business intelligence and reporting, and enterprise content management by utilizing various development tools in order to support departmental goals and objectives and comply with county policies and procedures.\n• Leads in development and support of middle-tier software application in the areas of web services application integration, business process management, business rules, API governance, and application security by utilizing various development tools in order to support departmental goals and objectives and comply with county policies and procedures.\n• Leads in development and support of back-end software applications in the areas of data integration and data replication, data modeling, data security, artificial intelligence/machine learning, and database management by utilizing various developmental tools in order to support departmental goals and objectives and comply with county policies and procedures.\n• Leads in development and support of DevOps tools and automation processes in the areas of release management, configuration management, source control, continuous-integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD), and operational support by utilizing various developmental tools in order to support departmental goals and objectives and comply with county policies and procedures.\n• Performs unit, sanity, functional, integration, automated system and/or performance testing for new, modified or existing complex software applications by utilizing various test tools in order to investigate, analyze, troubleshoot and resolve software application problems.\n• Provides professional support pertaining to application issues in Production and Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Production-Support (PS) environments by investigating, troubleshooting, and resolving application function problems in order to ensure excellent quality product and user experience.\n• Researches application development tools and methodologies by utilizing various reference tools in order to provide recommendations to departmental management team for improving software in order to accomplish business goals; recommend and/or implement system adjustments to maximize application performance.\n• Assists in the development and/or reviewing of solicitation documents including requests for information, requests for proposals, requests for quotes, and statements of work by collaborating with project management team in order to support departmental goals and objectives and comply with county policies and procedures as needed.\n• Leads in an Agile open collaborative environment by working closely with team members from development, DevOps, Quality Assurance (QA), administration, Project Management (PM), business stakeholders, contractors and other IT technical staff in order to design, develop, code review, build, test, demo, document, deploy, and maintain business applications as needed.\n• Reviews and monitors vendor performance by reviewing work and project plans to ensure project deliverables are on time, within budget, and according to acceptance criteria as needed.\n\nMINIMUM REQUIREMENTS:\nWe are looking for dedicated individuals who meet one of the following requirements:\n• Option I: Graduation from an accredited college or university* with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, or a closely related field and three (3) years of recent**, full-time experience coding, testing, and debugging application programs\n• Option II: One (1) year of experience at the level of Los Angeles County class of Application Developer II***\n• Option III: Four (4) years of recent**, full-time experience coding, testing and debugging application programs\n• In order to receive credit for a Bachelor's degree, you must submit proof of education along with the application. Acceptable documents are:\n• A photocopy of the diploma or official transcript OR\n• A verification or confirmation letter from the school's Registrar's Office on the official letterhead of the school, with a college or university seal. It should indicate that the student has completed all the academic requirements.\nAll documents should clearly indicate the degree in the English language and the date when the degree was conferred or awarded. For more information regarding education, please see the Employment Information document on the LA County Jobs website. If you do not attach the document at the time of filing, you can email the document to recruitment@assessor.lacounty.gov within 7 calendar days from the last day of filing. Please include your full name, exam title, and exam number.\n• *Recent means experience obtained within the last five (5) years from the last day of filing.\n• **Experience at the level of Application Developer II is defined as under general supervision, analyzes, designs, evaluates, develops, codes, tests, and maintains application systems.\nIf you served in the military and were honorably discharged, you may qualify for Veteran's Credit. We will need a copy of your form DD214 to review, so please include that with your application.\n\nLICENSE:\nA valid California Class C Driver's License or the ability to utilize an alternative method of transportation when needed to carry out job-related essential functions.\n\nPHYSICAL EXPECTATIONS:\n2 - Light: Light physical effort which may include occasional light lifting to a 10 pound, and some bending, stooping or squatting. Considerable walking may be involved.\n\nENDORSEMENT OF COUNTY QUALIFICATIONS:\nCounty employees who wish to meet the requirements using out-of-class experience must provide official documentation such as an additional responsibility bonus, out-of-class bonus, temporary assignment bonus, or reclassification study from CEO Classification with your application at the time of filing or within seven (7) calendar days from the last day of filing. Employees do not need to submit such verification if they hold or have held a position deemed to be at the appropriate level. Out-of-class duties should be accurately described in the application work history, and questionable experience will be verified through the departmental HR Manager when necessary.\n\nWITHHOLD INFORMATION\nNo withholds will be allowed for this examination. Required experience must be fully met and indicated on the application by the last day of filing.\n\nOUR ASSESSMENT PROCESS:\n\nThis examination will consist of TWO (2) parts:\n\nPart I: Multiple choice and/or simulation assessment(s), weighted 40%, assessing:\n• Deductive Reasoning\n• Professional Potential\n• Achievement\n• Maintaining Good Working Relationships\n• Analyzing Information\n• Learning Quickly\n• Generating New Ideas\n• Using Time Efficiently\n• Working to High Quality Standards\n• Adapting to Change\n• Coping with Uncertainty\n• Willingness to Learn\n• Responsibility\n\nCandidates may be invited to participate in both Part I and II. However, only those that achieve a passing score of 70% or higher in Part I, will have Part II scored.\n\nPart II: Multiple choice and/or simulation assessment(s), weighted 60%, assessing:\n• JAVA 8\n• Cloud Computing\n• JavaScript\n• SQL\n\nMULTIPLE CHOICE AND/OR SIMULATION ASSESSMENTS ARE NOT REVIEWABLE BY CANDIDATES PER CIVIL SERVICE RULE 7.19.\n\nAPPLICANTS MUST MEET THE REQUIREMENTS AND ACHIEVE A PASSING SCORE OF 70% OR HIGHER ON EACH PART OF THE EXAMINATION IN ORDER TO BE PLACED ON THE ELIGIBLE REGISTER.\n\nAll notifications including invitation letters will be sent electronically to the email address provided on the application. It is important that you provide a valid email address. Please add jcheung@hr.lacounty.gov, info@governmentjobs.com, talentcentral@shl.com, noreply@proctoru.com, and donot-reply@amcatmail.com to your email address and list of approved senders to prevent email notifications from being filtered as spam/junk/clutter mail.\n\nLos Angeles County will not consider claims of not viewing or receiving notification to be a valid reason for late test administration or rescheduling of a test component.\n\nTRANSFER OF TEST COMPONENTS:\n• Applicants who have taken identical components recently for other exams may have their responses automatically transferred to this examination.\n• This examination contains test components that may be used in the future for new examinations and your test responses may be transferred.\n\nTEST PREPARATION:\n\nStudy guides and other test preparation resources are available to help candidates prepare for employment tests. While the guides will help you prepare for the test, we advise you to review all related materials that you deem necessary.\n• An interactive, Online Test Preparation System for taking practice tests may be accessed on the Department of Human Resources website at http://hr.lacounty.gov/. Please click on \"Find A Job\" and then \"Job Search Toolkit.\" Test preparation information is located under the \"Employment Test Assistance\" section.\n• Additional online practice tests are available at https://www.shldirect.com/en-us/practice-tests/.\n\nELIGIBILITY INFORMATION\nApplicants will be processed on an as-received basis and promulgated to the eligible register accordingly. The names of candidates receiving a passing score in the examination will be placed on the eligible register in the order of their score group for a period of twelve (12) months following the date of promulgation.\n\nNo person may compete for this examination more than once every twelve (12) months.\n\nVACANCY INFORMATION\nThe eligible register resulting from this examination will be used to fill vacancies throughout the Los Angeles County Office of the Assessor, as they occur.\n\nAPPLICATION AND FILING INFORMATION\nApplications must be filed online only. We must receive your application before 5:00 p.m., PT, on the last day of filing. Applications submitted by U.S. mail, fax, or in person will not be accepted. Apply online by clicking on the \"Apply\" green button at the top right of this posting. You can also track the status of your application using this website.\n\nPlan to submit your online application well in advance of 5:00 p.m. PT, on the last day of filing as you may be required to verify your email address. This only needs to be done once per email address, and if you already have a job seeker account on governmentjobs.com/careers/lacounty, you can verify at any time by logging in and following the prompts. This is to enhance the security of your online application and to ensure you do not enter an incorrect email address. Fill out your application completely. The acceptance of your application depends on whether you have clearly shown that you meet the Minimum Requirements as listed in this job posting. Provide any relevant job experience in the spaces provided so we can evaluate your qualifications for the job. For each job held, give the name and address of your employer, your job title, beginning and ending dates, number of hours worked per week, and description of work performed. If your application is incomplete, it will be rejected.\n\nImportant: Please note that all information included in the application materials is subject to verification at any point during the examination and hiring process, including after an appointment has been made per Civil Service Rule 6.04. Falsification of any information may result in disqualification or rescission of the appointment. Utilizing verbiage from the Class Specification and Minimum Requirements serving as your description of duties will not be sufficient to demonstrate that you meet the requirements. Doing so may result in an incomplete application and you may be disqualified.\n\nSOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER\n\nPlease include your Social Security Number for record control purposes. Federal law requires that all employed persons have a Social Security Number.\n\nCOMPUTER AND INTERNET ACCESS AT PUBLIC LIBRARIES\n\nFor applicants who may not have regular access to a computer or the internet, you may borrow laptops and Wi-Fi hotspots from some public libraries throughout Los Angeles County to complete job applications.\n\nNO SHARING OF USER ID AND PASSWORD\n\nAll applicants must file their applications online using their own user ID and password. Using a family member's or friend's user ID and password may erase a candidate's original application record.\n\nTESTING ACCOMMODATION\n\nIf you require an accommodation to fairly compete in any part of the assessment process, let us know by contacting the Testing Accommodations Coordinator at TestingAccommodations@hr.lacounty.gov. You will be required to complete the Request for Reasonable Accommodation form as well as provide supporting documentation from a qualified professional justifying the requested accommodation(s). The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can respond to your request and keep you moving through the process.\n\nSPECIAL INFORMATION\n\nAnti-Racism, Diversity, and Inclusion (ARDI)\nThe County of Los Angeles recognizes and affirms that all people are created equal and are entitled to all rights afforded by the Constitution of the United States. The Department of Human Resources is committed to promoting Anti-racism, Diversity, and Inclusion efforts to address the inequalities and disparities amongst races. We support the ARDI Strategic Plan and its goals by improving equality, diversity, and inclusion in recruitment, selection, and employment practices.\n\nFair Chance Initiative for Hiring Ordinance (FCIHO)\nThe County of Los Angeles is a Fair Chance employer. Except for a very limited number of positions, you will not be asked to provide information about a conviction history unless you receive a contingent offer of employment. The County will make an individualized assessment of whether your conviction history has a direct or adverse relationship with the specific duties of the job, and consider potential mitigating factors, including, but not limited to, evidence and extent of rehabilitation, recency of the offense(s), and age at the time of the offense(s). If asked to provide information about a conviction history, any convictions or court records which are exempted by a valid court order do not have to be disclosed.\n\n______________________________________________________________________________\n\nTesting Accommodations Coordinator: TestingAccommodations@hr.lacounty.gov\nTeletype Phone: (800) 899-4099\nAlternate Teletype Phone: (800) 897-0077\nCalifornia Relay Services Phone: (800) 735-2922\nDepartment Contact Name: Chau Luu\nDepartment Contact Phone: (213) 974-3161\nDepartment Contact Email: recruitment@assessor.lacounty.gov",
      "job_highlights": [
          "title": "Qualifications",
          "items": [
            "The successful candidate will be expected to hold an authoritative level of technical knowledge as well as be able to work both independently and provide mentorship on one or more projects in AMP:",
            "AMP open-source development/testing projects in: Java, JavaScript, Node.js, PHP, SonarQube, JMeter, JUnit, SoapUI, Linux Shell scripting, and other web-services based application development with REST/SOAP",
            "Option I: Graduation from an accredited college or university* with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, or a closely related field and three (3) years of recent**, full-time experience coding, testing, and debugging application programs",
            "Option II: One (1) year of experience at the level of Los Angeles County class of Application Developer II***",
            "Option III: Four (4) years of recent**, full-time experience coding, testing and debugging application programs",
            "In order to receive credit for a Bachelor's degree, you must submit proof of education along with the application",
            "A photocopy of the diploma or official transcript OR",
            "A verification or confirmation letter from the school's Registrar's Office on the official letterhead of the school, with a college or university seal",
            "It should indicate that the student has completed all the academic requirements",
            "All documents should clearly indicate the degree in the English language and the date when the degree was conferred or awarded",
            "*Recent means experience obtained within the last five (5) years from the last day of filing",
            "If you served in the military and were honorably discharged, you may qualify for Veteran's Credit",
            "We will need a copy of your form DD214 to review, so please include that with your application",
            "A valid California Class C Driver's License or the ability to utilize an alternative method of transportation when needed to carry out job-related essential functions",
            "2 - Light: Light physical effort which may include occasional light lifting to a 10 pound, and some bending, stooping or squatting",
            "Considerable walking may be involved",
            "County employees who wish to meet the requirements using out-of-class experience must provide official documentation such as an additional responsibility bonus, out-of-class bonus, temporary assignment bonus, or reclassification study from CEO Classification with your application at the time of filing or within seven (7) calendar days from the last day of filing",
            "Employees do not need to submit such verification if they hold or have held a position deemed to be at the appropriate level",
            "Out-of-class duties should be accurately described in the application work history, and questionable experience will be verified through the departmental HR Manager when necessary",
            "Required experience must be fully met and indicated on the application by the last day of filing",
            "Coping with Uncertainty",
            "Willingness to Learn",
            "The names of candidates receiving a passing score in the examination will be placed on the eligible register in the order of their score group for a period of twelve (12) months following the date of promulgation",
            "No person may compete for this examination more than once every twelve (12) months",
            "Federal law requires that all employed persons have a Social Security Number",
            "For applicants who may not have regular access to a computer or the internet, you may borrow laptops and Wi-Fi hotspots from some public libraries throughout Los Angeles County to complete job applications",
            "The County of Los Angeles is a Fair Chance employer",
            "The County will make an individualized assessment of whether your conviction history has a direct or adverse relationship with the specific duties of the job, and consider potential mitigating factors, including, but not limited to, evidence and extent of rehabilitation, recency of the offense(s), and age at the time of the offense(s)"
          "title": "Responsibilities",
          "items": [
            "This project replaces the Assessor's Office legacy mainframe property assessment systems with State-of-the-Art technologies using Oracle Fusion Middleware (FMW) enterprise architecture, database, security, system monitoring, web application and cloud service products and infrastructure, to support the Assessor's Office and County's business goals and strategic plans",
            "The successful candidate will be working in an Agile scrum open collaborative and DevOps friendly environment to support Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) activities to design/develop/test/debug/integrate/deploy/maintain various AMP enterprise system business applications and interfaces (front-end/middle-tier/back-end development and DevOps management) according to user stories requirements and program specifications, in the cloud-based (OCI IaaS/PaaS) Test-Driven Development (TDD) environments",
            "Under the direction of the technical supervisor, this position will be considered the team's lead engineer while working in Agile Scrum teams and/or DevOps teams, they will be guiding team members from development, DevOps management, quality assurance, infrastructure administration, project management, business product owners/SME's, contractors and other IT technical staff",
            "AMP Front-end application and reporting development projects in: Oracle WebCenter Portal (WCP), JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET), Application Development Framework (ADF), Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BIP), Oracle Application Express (APEX), and Microsoft .NET, etc",
            "AMP Middle-tier application and content management development projects in: Oracle ServiceOriented Architecture Suite (SOA), Oracle Service Bus (OSB), Oracle Business Process Management Suite (BPM), Oracle Business Rules and Policy Automation (OBR, OPA), Oracle WebCenter Content (WCC), and OpenText/EMC Captiva, etc",
            "AMP Back-end application and database integration development projects in: Oracle ExaData Database Cloud Service (ExaCS), Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW), Oracle Data Integrator (ODI), Oracle GoldenGate (OGG, Veridata), Microsoft SQL Server, and Trillium, etc",
            "AMP DevOps release/configuration management and CI/CD process improvement/automation projects in: Jenkins, Git, Apache Maven/Ant/Archiva/Groovy, Ansible, Terraform, Python, and JIRA, etc",
            "Obtain business requirements from the stakeholders and product owners to provide solutions through innovation, automation, and streamlining of their business workflow and operation",
            "Analyzes, designs, develops, tests, debugs, installs, and deploys application software programs by applying software/application development concepts in order to create/maintain/modify new or existing business applications and interfaces according to user stories requirements and program specifications in the cloud-based Test-Driven Development (TDD) environments",
            "Gathers software requirements and develops requirement specifications, user stories, functional and technical design specifications, user manuals, runbooks, release notes, and/or wiki pages by collaborating with stakeholders in order to support departmental goals and objectives and comply with county policies and procedures",
            "Leads in development and support of front-end software applications in the areas of user interfaces, mobility, business intelligence and reporting, and enterprise content management by utilizing various development tools in order to support departmental goals and objectives and comply with county policies and procedures",
            "Leads in development and support of middle-tier software application in the areas of web services application integration, business process management, business rules, API governance, and application security by utilizing various development tools in order to support departmental goals and objectives and comply with county policies and procedures",
            "Leads in development and support of back-end software applications in the areas of data integration and data replication, data modeling, data security, artificial intelligence/machine learning, and database management by utilizing various developmental tools in order to support departmental goals and objectives and comply with county policies and procedures",
            "Leads in development and support of DevOps tools and automation processes in the areas of release management, configuration management, source control, continuous-integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD), and operational support by utilizing various developmental tools in order to support departmental goals and objectives and comply with county policies and procedures",
            "Performs unit, sanity, functional, integration, automated system and/or performance testing for new, modified or existing complex software applications by utilizing various test tools in order to investigate, analyze, troubleshoot and resolve software application problems",
            "Provides professional support pertaining to application issues in Production and Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Production-Support (PS) environments by investigating, troubleshooting, and resolving application function problems in order to ensure excellent quality product and user experience",
            "Researches application development tools and methodologies by utilizing various reference tools in order to provide recommendations to departmental management team for improving software in order to accomplish business goals; recommend and/or implement system adjustments to maximize application performance",
            "Assists in the development and/or reviewing of solicitation documents including requests for information, requests for proposals, requests for quotes, and statements of work by collaborating with project management team in order to support departmental goals and objectives and comply with county policies and procedures as needed",
            "Leads in an Agile open collaborative environment by working closely with team members from development, DevOps, Quality Assurance (QA), administration, Project Management (PM), business stakeholders, contractors and other IT technical staff in order to design, develop, code review, build, test, demo, document, deploy, and maintain business applications as needed",
            "Reviews and monitors vendor performance by reviewing work and project plans to ensure project deliverables are on time, within budget, and according to acceptance criteria as needed",
            "**Experience at the level of Application Developer II is defined as under general supervision, analyzes, designs, evaluates, develops, codes, tests, and maintains application systems",
            "No withholds will be allowed for this examination",
            "Maintaining Good Working Relationships",
            "Analyzing Information",
            "Learning Quickly",
            "Generating New Ideas",
            "Using Time Efficiently",
            "Working to High Quality Standards",
            "Adapting to Change",
            "Candidates may be invited to participate in both Part I and II",
            "Cloud Computing",
            "Applicants who have taken identical components recently for other exams may have their responses automatically transferred to this examination",
            "This examination contains test components that may be used in the future for new examinations and your test responses may be transferred",
            "Study guides and other test preparation resources are available to help candidates prepare for employment tests",
            "An interactive, Online Test Preparation System for taking practice tests may be accessed on the Department of Human Resources website at http://hr.lacounty.gov/. Please click on \"Find A Job\" and then \"Job Search Toolkit.\" Test preparation information is located under the \"Employment Test Assistance\" section",
            "Utilizing verbiage from the Class Specification and Minimum Requirements serving as your description of duties will not be sufficient to demonstrate that you meet the requirements"
      "extensions": ["96,588–130,164 a year", "Full-time"],
      "detected_extensions": {
        "salary": "96,588–130,164 a year",
        "schedule": "Full-time"
      "apply_link": "https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/lacounty/jobs/3634732/senior-application-developer?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
      "apply_links": [
          "link": "https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/lacounty/jobs/3634732/senior-application-developer?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "GovernmentJobs.com"
          "link": "https://www.ziprecruiter.com/c/County-of-Los-Angeles,-CA/Job/SENIOR-APPLICATION-DEVELOPER/-in-Los-Angeles,CA?jid=71e211407b4c3dab&utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "ZipRecruiter"
          "link": "https://www.careersingovernment.com/job/678682/senior-application-developer/?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Careers In Government"
          "link": "https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?jk=39025fec2906e031&utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Indeed"
          "link": "https://jooble.org/jdp/2048336254983319550?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Jooble"
          "link": "https://www.salary.com/job/county-of-los-angeles/senior-application-developer/j202204200845242347784?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Salary.com"
          "link": "https://www.monster.com/job-openings/senior-application-developer-ca--5dc29aa7-76db-4962-8845-419286f3ba43?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Monster"
          "link": "https://www.simplyhired.com/job/XSjFWsZOxF8uHijKqAhZYduRodTw3T-WTOOIm2ODf8VOKNf9t-GJhg?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "SimplyHired"
      "sharing_link": "https://www.google.com/search?ibp=htl;jobs&q=Software+Developer&htidocid=I-Nrid5k6IW8VcoFAAAAAA%3D%3D&hl=en-US&kgs=eb71b71211f7fc8f&shndl=-1&shem=vslcea&source=sh/x/job/li/m1/1#fpstate=tldetail&htivrt=jobs&htiq=Software+Developer&htidocid=I-Nrid5k6IW8VcoFAAAAAA%3D%3D",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "position": 10,
      "title": "Junior Software Developer (Python) (Hybrid Remote)",
      "company_name": "Reli.",
      "location": "Los Angeles, CA",
      "via": "via Indeed",
      "description": "Reli. is a rapidly growing eCommerce company selling on Amazon (www.amazon.com/reli), Walmart, Shopify (ShopReli.com), and eBay seeing 100% year over year growth. We currently service 7,000+ orders daily across our eCommerce marketplaces, with over 1,500,000+ unique customers such as Marvel, Dominos, and Lululemon.\n\nWe pride ourselves in our strong, upbeat work culture and dynamic startup feel. We are looking for new team members that are enthusiastic and willing to learn and grow with the company. We’re looking for a Junior Software Developer who can help with developing scripts and tools to support our digital advertising, product, and supply chain teams.\n\nGrowth Plan:\n\nReli.’s cornerstone core value is Supporting Happiness. Included within that core value is cultivating the professional growth of Reli. team members. Each Reli. team member is provided with a Growth Plan that lays out opportunities for promotions and compensation raises in recognition of strong performance and contributions.\n\nFor team members who show impactful performance and contribution, there will be opportunities for multiple compensation raises a year.\n\nStarting salary will depend on experience and educational background. For applicants with no work experience, the starting salary is $65,000 / year. For applicants with work experience, the starting salary can be higher.\n\nHybrid Remote: Reli. is headquartered at 12641 166th Street, Cerritos, CA. We are Hybrid Remote. Our work from home days are on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Our in-office days are on Tuesdays and Thursdays to facilitate team bonding and collaboration.\n\nFantastic employee benefits:\n• Paid Time Off (Vacation, etc.) - 15 Days PTO to Start + 1 additional day per year working at Reli.\n• 10 Paid Holidays in addition to PTO\n• Hybrid Work Schedule\n• Regular Team Happy Hours/Events\n• Employer Matching for 401(k)\n• Health Care (Medical, Vision, Dental) - Blue Shield PPO or HMO Medical Insurance\n• Life Insurance\n\nPosition Description:\n\nEssential Functions & Key Responsibilities:\n• Using Python to develop back-end scripts to automate and scale processes associated with digital advertising, product launches, supply chain operations, and other eCommerce areas\n• Analyzing datasets related to advertising, eCommerce products, and supply chain in order to extract insights and actionable next steps\n• Collaborating with digital advertising, product, and supply chain teams to identify and pursue opportunities for optimization\n• Scoping out and building scripts based on specified inputs and desired outputs\n• Devising strategies to support marketing and advertising initiatives for driving growth / customer acquisition\n\nCandidate Requirements:\n• Bachelor’s Degree\n• Experience with Python programming language\n• Previous work experience is preferred but not required\n• Interest in eCommerce and digital advertising\n• Strong Attention to Detail - Understanding the importance of following detailed specifications for generating scripts with the desired functionality\n• Resourceful - independent and a problem solver\n• Feedback Oriented - Willingness to learn and incorporate constructive feedback\n• Communicative - Excellent communication skills with a willingness to ask questions and work in a team\n\nAbout Reli.\n\nReli. is a minority-owned and family-owned company headquartered in Cerritos, CA, with three strategically located distribution centers nationwide.\n\nReli. is a rapidly growing eCommerce company built around strong values & making an impact. Reli. provides a variety of products through eCommerce channels to make the daily lives easier for our business and consumer customers.\n\nJob Type: Full-time\n\nBenefits:\n• 401(k)\n• 401(k) matching\n• Dental insurance\n• Flexible schedule\n• Health insurance\n• Life insurance\n• Paid time off\n• Vision insurance\n\nSchedule:\n• 8 hour shift\n• Monday to Friday\n\nApplication Question(s):\n• What motivates you?\n• What is your approach to constructive feedback and learning?\n• Why are you interested in this job?\n• Please provide a link to your LinkedIn profile if you have one, thank you.\n• What is your expected yearly salary?\n• Please provide your college GPA if it is not listed in your resume.\n• If possible, please provide any links to work samples (ex. github)\n\nEducation:\n• Bachelor's (Preferred)\n\nExperience:\n• Python: 1 year (Required)\n\nLocation:\n• Los Angeles, CA (Required)\n\nWork Location: Remote",
      "job_highlights": [
          "title": "Qualifications",
          "items": [
            "Bachelor’s Degree",
            "Experience with Python programming language",
            "Interest in eCommerce and digital advertising",
            "Resourceful - independent and a problem solver",
            "Feedback Oriented - Willingness to learn and incorporate constructive feedback",
            "Communicative - Excellent communication skills with a willingness to ask questions and work in a team",
            "Python: 1 year (Required)"
          "title": "Benefits",
          "items": [
            "team member is provided with a Growth Plan that lays out opportunities for promotions and compensation raises in recognition of strong performance and contributions",
            "For team members who show impactful performance and contribution, there will be opportunities for multiple compensation raises a year",
            "Starting salary will depend on experience and educational background",
            "For applicants with no work experience, the starting salary is $65,000 / year",
            "For applicants with work experience, the starting salary can be higher",
            "Fantastic employee benefits:",
            "Paid Time Off (Vacation, etc.)",
            "15 Days PTO to Start + 1 additional day per year working at Reli",
            "10 Paid Holidays in addition to PTO",
            "Hybrid Work Schedule",
            "Regular Team Happy Hours/Events",
            "Employer Matching for 401(k)",
            "Health Care (Medical, Vision, Dental) - Blue Shield PPO or HMO Medical Insurance",
            "Life Insurance",
            "401(k) matching",
            "Dental insurance",
            "Flexible schedule",
            "Health insurance",
            "Life insurance",
            "Paid time off",
            "Vision insurance",
            "8 hour shift",
            "Monday to Friday"
          "title": "Responsibilities",
          "items": [
            "Using Python to develop back-end scripts to automate and scale processes associated with digital advertising, product launches, supply chain operations, and other eCommerce areas",
            "Analyzing datasets related to advertising, eCommerce products, and supply chain in order to extract insights and actionable next steps",
            "Collaborating with digital advertising, product, and supply chain teams to identify and pursue opportunities for optimization",
            "Scoping out and building scripts based on specified inputs and desired outputs",
            "Devising strategies to support marketing and advertising initiatives for driving growth / customer acquisition"
      "extensions": [
        "8 days ago",
        "Paid time off",
        "Health insurance",
        "Dental insurance"
      "detected_extensions": {
        "posted_at": "8 days ago",
        "schedule": "Full-time",
        "paid_time_off": true,
        "health_insurance": true,
        "dental_insurance": true
      "apply_link": "https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?jk=cdf87b823c05d17a&utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
      "apply_links": [
          "link": "https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?jk=cdf87b823c05d17a&utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Indeed"
          "link": "https://www.glassdoor.com/job-listing/junior-software-developer-python-hybrid-remote-reli-JV_IC1146821_KO0,46_KE47,51.htm?jl=1009367488165&utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Glassdoor"
          "link": "https://www.simplyhired.com/job/5uEQ9cX2ZCs26DjNySNDVjcyeKWquzXPvxW6KucGT2nRpTdC-FFtFQ?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "SimplyHired"
          "link": "https://www.ziprecruiter.com/c/Reli./Job/Junior-Software-Developer-(Hybrid-Remote)/-in-Los-Angeles,CA?jid=e3c532e0ef5c93d4&utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "ZipRecruiter"
          "link": "https://jobs.forces.net/jobs/junior-software-developer-hybrid-remote-los-angeles-california/1386255710-2/?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Jobs"
          "link": "https://jobs.aspiremediagroup.net/jobs/junior-software-developer-hybrid-remote-los-angeles-california/1358209311-2/?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Aspire Media Group Jobs"
          "link": "https://starjobsearch.co.uk/jobs/junior-software-developer-hybrid-remote-los-angeles-california/1386255710-2/?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Star Job Search"
          "link": "https://www.rpjobs.co.uk/jobs/junior-software-developer-hybrid-remote-los-angeles-california/1358209311-2/?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic",
          "source": "Racing Post Jobs"
      "sharing_link": "https://www.google.com/search?ibp=htl;jobs&q=Software+Developer&htidocid=qp6zDWEino8RSjrJAAAAAA%3D%3D&hl=en-US&kgs=eb71b71211f7fc8f&shndl=-1&shem=vslcea&source=sh/x/job/li/m1/1#fpstate=tldetail&htivrt=jobs&htiq=Software+Developer&htidocid=qp6zDWEino8RSjrJAAAAAA%3D%3D",
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Developer experience

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import requests

url = "https://www.searchapi.io/api/v1/search"
params = {
  "engine": "google_jobs",
  "q": "software developer",
  "location": "Chicago"

response = requests.get(url, params = params)

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What is the Google Jobs API?

The Google Jobs API allows users to scrape and retrieve detailed job listings from Google, including job titles, locations, descriptions, and other relevant details.

In which countries can I search for job listings?

You can search for job opportunities across 195 countries using the API, ensuring a wide-reaching geographic scope. For a detailed list of supported locations, refer to our Locations API.

Can I filter or categorize job listings using this API?

Absolutely! With our chips parameter, you can easily filter results according to the available criteria.

Can I filter only remote jobs using this API?

Yes, by setting the ltype parameter to 1, you can filter job listings to show only remote jobs.

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